Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Card Extravaganza

I usually design two for each client.  I LOVE sitting in photoshop with a blank canvas.

 I'm just having a lot of fun designing Christmas cards the last few days and thought I'd share some of the designs with you all.
That blank space is waiting for a picture of their other son and his wife.


  1. nice work laura! what program do you use?

  2. photoshop CS2
    I took a course several years ago to get the basics and now I have the most amazing genius of a friend who tells me everything I need to know when I get stuck. Sometimes her genius is overwhelming and I have to remind her to SLOW DOWN. Like when she says, "Press shift, control U, then go to Edit, grab the layer you want and clear the corners until your control space zoom looks just right..." and all I hear is, "Press....until it looks right." :) Anyway, it helps to know someone who can make four chins into one, if you know what I mean.
